The volleyball team was founded in 2010. Over the years the team has defied all the odds to achieve success. In 2012, a select group from the team received their first Strathmore Sports Scholarships; Elias Kariki, Samuel Petite, RebeccaWasilu- female team captain, Albert Mandela- male team captain.”
The Strathmore men’s Volleyball team has risen from a humble beginning to become Kenya Universities Sports Association (KUSA) league champions; with the Strathmore Volleyball male team (Jaguars) scooping the National KUSA championship and the volleyball ladies’ team (Panthers) taking the Nairobi KUSA championship.
Beach volleyball grounds have since been introduced for the players to train on as they prepare to face league champs .
In the spirit of optimism, the coach hopes that in the near future, both volleyball teams will be among the top clubs in Kenya. He also hopes that the teams will join the National league to compete with senior volleyball clubs such as; Prisons, GSU, KCB, Kenya pipeline win to carry home a trophy.
2018,2017-League Champions
2016,2017 -NASOKUSA Champions
2015,2016-League Runner’s up
2011, 2012,2013,2014,2015- KUSA Champions
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