Staff giving campaign drives up contributions

The annual staff giving week, organized by the Alumni Office and the Community Service Centre, took place from 28th October to November 1, 2019. Due to the contributions of staff members, the amount in the staff giving kitty increased from Kshs. 210,000 shillings to Kshs. 250, 000 per month.

In 2014,  the Strathmore University Advancement office together with some members of staff started the Staff Giving Campaign, with the aim of involving staff members interested in supporting students in need.  The campaign started with a total of 12 staff members making monthly contributions through payroll deduction. The number has increased to over 450 staff members.

These contributions have seen Strathmore University students attain financial support through the form of accommodation, bursary, meal allowance and stipends.  The housekeeping and catering departments lead with 80% of them making contributions towards the kitty. This year, the contributions have reached the Kshs. 12,000,000 mark, since its inception.

The advancement office pitched a tent at the Student Centre and rallied staff members to enroll to the kitty or to increase their contributions. The week culminated in the cocktail where several members of staff, through a raffle, walked away with meal vouchers and household items.

“A few graduates of this year’s Strathmore Institute of Management and Technology finished their studies through the support of the staff giving kitty,” Kevin Muchemi, Financial Aid Manager, said at the cocktail.

With the yearly staff-giving contribution, it will now be possible to give scholarships to two deserving students from marginalized areas in the country.

Staff members interested in joining the fund can contact:

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