16 Oct Researchers unlock the Big Four Agenda
The Strathmore University Research and Innovation Symposium 2019 (SURIS 2019) took place from the 4th to 8th November, 2019 under the theme: Unlocking the big Four Agenda through research and innovation.
The second instalment of a biennial series brought together students and staff members of Strathmore University, as well as participants from industry and government, to share their research work and celebrate their collaborations.
Dr. Judy Omumbo, Programme Manager, Affiliates and Post-Doctoral programmes, at the African Academy of Sciences, gave the keynote speech at the research and innovation symposium. Dr. Omumbo spoke on the central position of climate change as a defining challenge for sustainable development on the African continent.
2018 Research and Innovation report
The 2018 Research and Innovation report was launched on the third day. The report highlights key milestones attained in that year. Some of the key items tracked by this report are publications produced by research staff members. A total of 98 publications came out of the University; of these, 75 were papers in peer-reviewed journals. Another highlight reflected in the report are the Research Brown Bags, sessions which give researchers an opportunity to present summaries of their ongoing or completed projects to a mixed audience drawn from across the University. A total of 19 sessions were held, attracting 648 attendees.
Nine thematic areas
Nearly 90 presentations were made across nine thematic areas. In the clean energy track, Ignatius Maranga made a presentation on design and testing of a solar-powered tricycle in Kenya while Open Africa Power Initiative alumni presented case studies and shared experiences. Open Africa Power is an education venture initiated by Enel Foundation in 2018 in partnership with top Academic institutions in Italy and Africa.
In the business and finance track, Dr. Stella Nyongesa made a presentation on the influence of corporate rebranding on consumers’ attitudes. The track also held a panel discussion on achieving Kenya’s manufacturing agenda: trade facilitation to promote the entry of SMEs into export markets. The panelists included Peter Biwott (CEO, Kenya Export Promotion & Branding Agency), David Ruchiu (Africa Director, Farm Concern International), Jennifer Mbuvi (Manager, Global Gap), Mercy Limbua (Consultant, AgroGuild) and Amos Wangora (CEO, Kentrade).
On the last day, the Research Services Office hosted a workshop to equip participants with skills to navigate and use Research Beeline, a grant search platform.
The theme for next research and innovation conference to be held in November 2020 was unveiled. Researchers will be required to make submissions aligned to the theme: ‘Collaborative Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development’.
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